TriCon Emergency Management Systems
Public Health Services

As part of our total public health commitment, we offer the following programs and services nationwide:

As part of our total public health commitment, we offer the following programs and services nationwide:

Pandemic Influenza Planning and Preparedness
Public Health Information Management System
Public Health Emergency Operations Center
Volunteer Management System

Pandemic Influenza Planning and Preparedness – The goal of this program is to provide a foundation for pandemic preparedness, response and the recovery process.

The program is comprehensive and strategically focused on providing education, training and exercises for the following: Target training with comprehension evaluations, such as: Address critical disaster preparedness competencies with important training topics such as:

In addition, all of our exercise programs are governed by the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program’s mandated practices for exercise program management, design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.

Public Health Information Management System (PHIMS) – This is an internet based system that was designed by Public Health Emergency Managers to provide the functionality needed for public health professionals to perform their normal jobs in the event of a public health incident while functioning within the Public Health Incident Command System.

PHIMS will allow your staff to manage and respond to any situation using the professional skills for which they have been trained. It provides an intuitive interface which leads them through the critical tasks needed to manage effectively every phase of an event.

This solution features integrated tools that promote collaboration between public health and emergency managers. The tools include:

While the job descriptions and tasks will look familiar, the system is NIMS compliant in all aspects. The PHIMS is hosted on the Internet and on the agencies’ own servers (if desired) as backup, in the event of a temporary loss of internet service.

Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC) – is the central processing unit that receives, processes and communicates vital action information both internally and externally to all activated and affected stakeholders within the local, state and federal response community.

The PHEOC Training Program has been designed to train the PHEOC staff starting with the individual functions of the command and general staff positions. An example of these positions includes, but are not limited to the following:

In a PHEOC, actions taken in a specific functional area inherently impact all other functional areas. Therefore, each functional area must work in conjunction with all others and focus individual efforts together to work as a team. Public health EOC representatives are trained on PHEOC functions followed by instruction blocks that include actions involved within each specific function. For example, an action under the PHEOC function of “resource management” may be that a particular medication or type of medical supplies is needed at a specific temporary field clinic. When the request comes in, the action would impact those functional areas that are responsible for medical services, transportation and resources, administration and communications. Other functional areas will need to be aware of and monitor how that action may impact their area specifically.

This system and training is in compliance with: Volunteer Management System – is a secure, internet platform proven solution that provides real time tracking of organized, available, trained and qualified volunteers who can help:

The VMS is a user friendly tool for processing, managing and developing volunteers before, during and after disasters. For more information please click on the VMS Download Link to obtain a VMS Brochure.